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Human Rights Policy and Code of Conduct

Due to its dominant market position, Systec GmbH & Co. KG is aware of its responsibility to act in accordance with established, internationally recognized ethical and human rights standards. We as Systec GmbH & Co. KG are committed to the following:

  • Ensuring fair employment and compensation of our personnel in alignment with current jurisdiction
  • Strict observance of the minimum wage
  • Respect for human rights and strict rejection of any form of forced, slave or child labor
  • Encouraging open communication where ideas, concerns and problems are welcome to be articulated adequately
  • Strict rejection of any kind of discrimination based on race, gender, age, religion, disability or skin color
  • Promoting a safe and healthy work environment that minimizing the risk of injury
  • Access to occupational health care

Moreover, our personnel act within the framework of legislation and commit themselves to moral principles. Even a single employee’s violation of the law can cause considerable damage to the reputation of our company. Further aspects that are considered in this context are:

  • Cartel law: Arrangements (between competitors) with the aim to impede or restrict competition are prohibited.
  • Corruption: All employees are obligated to inform their respective supervisor in case they are being asked for, or offered, a material benefit by a business partner or public official. Consequently, also gifts and invitations may only be granted or accepted, if these correspond to the generally accepted gestures of politeness that are in line with common business conventions. Furthermore, it must be excluded that these gifts or invitations might influence business decisions or legal acts.

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